by Robin Schroeter | Jun 21, 2023 | General
Garland’s Initial Performance was 10+ Minutes long. We worked on cutting it down to 3+ Minutes for the showcase. To get to the essence. To what he really wanted to say. Garland is a strong performer and his performance left an impact on anyone who watched him....
by Robin Schroeter | Jun 20, 2023 | General
At the end of every course we have a live showcase performance. It marks the highlight of 3 months of learning where our students can showcase and put into practice everything they have learned. This was a huge one post-covid with almost 30 students together on stage....
by Robin Schroeter | Mar 6, 2023 | General
A beautiful solo performance by Thalassa Tapia-Ruano Ferrand It moves me to tears every time I see it. It was even stronger as live performance, but seeing it on video I get the same feeling again. #intensiveacting #soloperformance#ActingforFilm #ActingClasses...
by Robin Schroeter | Mar 5, 2023 | General
Acting Classes? Sure! At MasterClass Studio! Video #6 in the competition for best Commercial for MasterClass Studio by Emma and Irene The video with the most likes (and views) is going to receive a special price! #ActingforFilm #ActingClasses #ActingClassesBangkok...
by Robin Schroeter | Mar 5, 2023 | General
Acting Classes? Sure! At MasterClass Studio! Video #5 in the competition for best Commercial for MasterClass Studio by Absone, Anna, and Thala. The video with the most likes (and views) is going to receive a special price!#ActingforFilm #ActingClasses...