
Fully booked! I am happy to announce that Ron Smoorenburg’s Medieval Weapons Action Workshop is full.

If you still want to join we can put you on the wait-list in case somebody drops out!

Just 4 more slots available!

Medieval Weapons Action Workshop by Ron Smoorenburg at MasterClass Studio

Price: 2,000 Baht for 2 hours workshop
Time: Saturday, 18th of March, 1-3pm
Location: MasterClass Studio
Maximum 10 attendees

This Medieval Weapons Action Workshop for Movies teaches you:
Part 1 – Basics
Axe, Sword, dagger
– Reactions and hits
– Fight Choreography
– Safety impications
– positions and poses
– Basic atack and defense combos
– tips and ways to look best on screen
– acting in action
Ron has more than 20 years of experience starring in action movies. He will share his experience with you based on his work on epic action movies such as:
Warriors Gate, Outcast,
Blackbeard, treasure island,
Marco Polo 2,
Red Eagle, Asura,
Vikingdom and lots more

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