What a magical night! This was beautiful, inspiring, energetic, and passionate.
I loved every moment of the experience. Seeing everybody grow and take it to the next level. All of you have grown so much as performers and actors.
And last night you owned the stage. You went to the stage and made it your own. You took the audience out of their world and into yours, or rather ours. You gripped the audience last night.
I am proud of all of you as I know this was not an easy step. But seeing your dedication to both Balls and Grace inspired me and gave me the power to push on forward.
Each play had its own challenges.
Balls was created by you as a team. Working like this can be tough. You get to know all the good sides and the bad sides of one another. Both the strengths and the weaknesses. You need to find compromises and deal with your own expectations and those of the others. This process in theatre can be very powerful. In the end it is not about us, but about the audience. We gave them a powerful experience leading them through all kinds of feelings and giving them parts of ourselves. I loved seeing all of you trusting the process, trusting me and most of all trusting yourself. The audience could feel the passion and love for what you are doing.
Grace had a different set of challenges that you had to master. Just 2 weeks for a project of this size for one. Getting your lines down, working on the interpretation, working on your characters with the time limitations and your jobs…wow! Warunya Soontorntae played an essential role in the final part of the process, to lift the play to another level yet. Again, your passion and dedication was inspiring for me. It reminded me of myself as a young actor, wanting to give it my all. No matter what else is going on in your life. This is what you need to be an actor. This is how you can make the magic happen, and how you made it happen!
I loved that all of the actors of Balls were excited to sit in the audience for Grace and enjoy the show. I loves this bond between 3 generations of acting students in one room. You became one.
I loved that I could completely trust the team.
Thank you Kaykarn Teppradit for the lights. With just 10 lights and two plays to light out and all the different setting and having the gels (colors) come in at the last Minute, and just one day to prepare and half a day in the studio. You mentioned it was the hardest job you have done so far. But…you made the magic happen.
Thank you Anno Dominiz for being my showmaster, preparing the programs, tickets, rehearsal schedule, coordinating with the team and in general, keeping my back, so I could focus on directing. Thank you for working through the night to make this showcase a success. Without you it would not have been closely as professional as it was.
Thank you @narakin khamevilas and Tin Sutdhabhat for being a stage managers that I can trust blindly. That are dedicated, on time and always professional on all levels. Thank you for working these long hours and taking care of the production side of our project.
Thank you Dis and Praaw for the video and picture documentation of the showcase. From the beginning to the end!
Thank you Oh for helping on all sides of the project and being there when we needed you.
And, of course, thank you Warunya Soontorntae for helping with everything! From the pictures and posters for the promotion, to organizing the team, to coordinating with everyone, to directing Grace in the final stages, to being there by my side and making this show a success. Thank you!
Thank you all for your kind words of encouragement.