by MasterClass Studio | Mar 20, 2023 | General
Irene surprised me with a physical theatre / dance improvisation for her solo performance. I love how she explores the them of struggle within herself and I am impressed by her performance. She was the only teen who decided to go for an entirely physical performance...
by MasterClass Studio | Mar 20, 2023 | General
Absone is always very critical of herself (probably more critical than I am. I have seen her perform beautifully, letting go of all pre-conceptions, being and feeling in every moment and I have seen her struggle with herself, being in her head. The times when she is...
by MasterClass Studio | Mar 20, 2023 | General
Kong has been through some major a developments throughout the Fundamentals of Acting and the Intensive Acting Courses. His communication skills have improved a lot and he invited a number of students to help him on his Audio Book. He loves to learn, is open for...
by MasterClass Studio | Mar 13, 2023 | General
A beautiful solo performance by Thalassa Tapia Ruano Ferrand It moves me to tears every time I see it. It was even stronger as live performance, but seeing it on video I get the same feeling again. #intensiveacting #soloperformance#ActingforFilm #ActingClasses...